
Statistics about Homelessness in Bradford County:

According to our latest Point In Time Survey, completed every January, there were 33 homeless people on the streets. There were 10 homeless people in jail, while there were 110 homeless children in school.

According to United Way of Florida’s ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, but Employed) Report, last conducted in 2015, Bradford County had 27,223 people and 8,770 households. The median household income was $41,606, while the state’s average was $49,426. There were 4,332 households living below the ALICE threshold, which is $11,770 for a single adult, and $24,250 for two adults, one infant and one preschooler.

Looking for help? Services for the homeless and hungry.

Points of Entry:

Resources and Services Contact
Peaceful Paths Call: 1 (800) 500-1119
Veterans: SSVF Meridian Call: (352) 244-9827


Hotline Number
Abuse Hotline 1 (800) 962-2873
TDD: 1 (800) 453-5145
Report abuse of children and vulnerable adults.
Domestic Violence Hotline 1 (800) 500-1119
TTY: 1 (800) 621-4202
Information and Referral Dial: 211 or (352) 332-4636
Text: Your zip code to 898211
Chat online here
Trained professionals available 24/7 to provide crisis counseling and referrals to health and human service programs that can meet a variety of needs including food, housing, employment, health care and more.
Rape Crisis Hotline 1 (888) 956-RAPE (7273)